Acupuncture is part of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) which is a comprehensive health care system that originated in China over 3,000 years ago. Traditional Chinese Medicine includes Acupuncture, Chinese Herbology, Tuina & Shiatsu (Chinese and Japanese bodywork), and dietary therapy.
Acupuncture is presently used as either a primary or complementary healthcare system throughout the modern world. It is a method of balancing and building your natural energy, know as Qi (pronounced “chee”), to promote the body’s ability to heal itself.
How does it work?
Oriental Medicine is based on an energetic model rather than the biochemical model of Western Medicine. The ancient Chinese recognized a vital energy behind all life forms and life processes. They called this energy Qi. In developing an understanding of the prevention and cure of diseases, these healing practitioners discovered that this energy flows along specific pathways called “meridians”. Each pathway is associated with a particular physiological system and internal organ. The root cause of a disease is due to a deficiency or imbalance of energy in the meridians and their associated physiological systems. Acupuncture points are specific locations along the meridians. Each point has an effect upon the vital energy passing through it. Traditional Chinese Medicine uses an intricate system of pulse and tongue diagnosis, palpation of points and meridians, medical history and other signs and symptoms to create a composite Oriental medical diagnosis. A treatment plan is then formulated to induce the body to a balanced state of health.
How many treatments will I need?
The number of treatments varies from person to person. Some people experience immediate relief after the first treatment, others may take several treatments, to see results. Chronic conditions usually take longer to resolve than acute problems. Plan on a minimum of one month to see significant changes.
What can I expect from an Acupuncture Treatment?
Many conditions may be alleviated very rapidly by Acupuncture treatment. However, some conditions that are chronic or have arisen over a course of years will be relieved only with slow, steady progress. As in any form of healing, the patient’s attitude, diet, determination and lifestyle will affect the outcome of a course of treatment. Patients are encouraged to actively participate in their healing process. Although Oriental Medicine can treat most conditions, there are circumstances that can be dealt with more effectively by Western Medicine. In such cases, I will recommend you contact your Western primary care physician.
During your initial exam a full health history will be taken, with questions regarding your health, lifestyle, and any other information necessary for diagnosis. I will check your pulses, look at your tongue, and conduct the appropriate physical exam. This information is then organized according to the theories and philosophies of Chinese Medicine in order to diagnose your specific concerns and any underlying factors that may affect your health. After the interview process, you may receive an Acupuncture treatment. This visit ranges from 30 to 60 minutes.
What can I expect during my treatment?
I will carefully evaluate your personal condition by asking questions about your past and present medical history. I will take your pulse, view your tongue, and palpate various areas of your body for tenderness. After arriving at a specific diagnostic conclusion I will insert needles into specific Acupuncture points.
The needles are thin, sterile, and are stainless steel. The needles are at least five times thinner than a typical hypodermic needles and the insertion is usually painless. You may experience a sense of heaviness, electrical sensation, achy dullness or tingling in the area of insertion.
Other techniques that maybe used during your treatment are:
Cupping is applied to the skin and the pressure in the cup is reduced (by using change in
heat or by suctioning out air), so that the skin and superficial muscle layer is drawn into and held in the cup
Electro Stimulation is a very low level electric current applied to the needle. This if often used for muscle spasms and chronic pain.
Herbs/Supplements may be prescribed to treat disease or as a dietary supplement to help build and strengthen your body.
What can I expect after my treatment?
The treatment does not end when the needles are removed. Acupuncture initiates a change within your body. If possible, take some time to relax directly after your treatment. Occasionally some symptoms may temporarily increase after treatment. This is known as a “healing crisis,” a positive sign that the body is healing itself. Notify me if there are any aggravation of you symptoms.
Is Acupuncture safe?
Throughout our education, a Licensed Acupuncturists is trained and tested in Clean Needle Technique (CNT). CNT includes prevention of transmission blood-borne pathogens, disposal of contaminated waste, and other safety aspects of Acupuncture.
I use disposable single use needles that are sterile.
Is Acupuncture painful?
Acupuncture bears no resemblance to the feeling of receiving an injection, since the main source of pain from injections is the hollow needle diameter and the medication being forced into the tissue by pressure
Acupuncture needles are at least five times thinner than a hypodermic needle and flexible. In most cases, insertion is performed without discomfort. You may experience a sense of heaviness or electricity or dull achy or tingling in the area of insertion. Most patients find the treatments very relaxing and many fall asleep during treatment.
Along with pain relief and pain management, Acupuncture has been found effective in treating the following chronic and acute disorders
Addictions (alcohol, nicotine, drugs)* | Insomnia * |
Allergies * | Irritability |
Anemia * | Joint Pain |
Anxiety * | Low Back Pain * |
Arthritis * | Low Energy |
Asthma * | Menstrual Problems * |
Backache | Migraines |
Bronchitis * | Neck Pain * |
Chronic Diarrhea * | Obesity |
Common Cold | PMS * |
Constipation * | Post-Partum |
Depression | Psoriasis |
Digestive Disorders | Sciatica |
Fibroids | Sinusitis |
Headaches | Sexual Dysfunction |
Hearing Loss | Shoulder Pain * |
Hemorrhoids | Stress Incontinence * |
Hypertension | Tendonitis |
Hypoglycemia | Toothache |
Indigestion * | Urinary Tract Infection * |
Infertility (men and women) * | And many other conditions |
* The World Health Organization (WHO) recognizes Acupuncture and Traditional Oriental Medicine’s ability to treat these disorders.