Tag Archives: spinal stenosis

Your Vote Counts!! Vote for Jade River Acupuncture in Best of Federal Way

Jade River Acupuncture is in the running for Best of Federal Way 2015 Healthcare Professional. Year after year you have vote us as the Best of Federal Way Healthcare Professional.  Did we make the grade again?   Did we meet your … Continue reading

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When Acupuncture Does Not Work

Many people believe acupuncture does not work.  This incorrect assumption is often the belief held by those who have tried acupuncture and received little or no relief.  So, why did acupuncture not work for these people? In today’s society, instant … Continue reading

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Research: Acupuncture Reduces Lower Back Pain

A recent research showed that acupuncture is effective for the treatment of chronic low back pain. Researchers studied patients with back pain in a rehabilitation clinic in Germany. There were two groups in the research: group 1 received acupuncture plus … Continue reading

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On pins and needles

Perez, now 53 years old, has been running for 37 years. A former track star and marathoner, Perez continues to run—seven miles, four times a week. But after many years of running, he could no longer ignore the chronic pain … Continue reading

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Acupuncture and Spinal Stenosis

Spinal stenosis occurs when the spaces in the spinal column narrows, putting pressure on the spinal cord and associated nerves. Spinal stenosis usually involves one or more of the three main spinal areas: the spinal canal in the center of … Continue reading

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